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National Blue Ribbon

Saints Faith, Hope & Charity School has been named a 2023 National Blue Ribbon School, by the U.S. Department of education!  This is the second time FHC has been awarded the Blue Ribbon, having been previously recognized, in 2014.


FHC is the only school in the Chicago Archdiocese to have earned the Blue Ribbon this year; and one of only 40 non-public schools throughout the country to receive it.  Blue Ribbon Schools are recognized for superior academic achievement, and a culture which facilitates student success.


Superintendent of the Archdiocese of Chicago Schools, Greg Richmond commented on the achievement, "Faith, Hope and Charity has been providing its students with an excellent education for generations. This Blue Ribbon is a wonderful recognition of the teachers and students who work so hard and with such dedication year after year."


The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program has been recognizing great American schools since 1982. The Program honors high performing public and private schools, whose students place in the top 15 percent in the nation in reading and mathematics, as measured by a nationally normed test.


Link to National Blue Ribbon website:  https://nationalblueribbonschools.ed.gov/awardwinners/