Student Council
The School of Saints Faith, Hope and Charity has an active Student Council, consisting of representatives from 6th-8th grade. The mission of Student Council is to enhance learning, service and spirit among the student body. These goals shape the activities in which the Student Council officers plan and coordinate throughout the year. Student Council positions are voted on annually and consist of the following:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Publicity Chairperson
- Principle’s Liaison
- 8th Grade Representatives
- 7th Grade Representative
- 6th Grade Representatives
Student Council members are expected to behave as positive role models in all they do at school, and they must maintain a C average to be on the Board. They meet weekly during the lunch and recess hour where meetings are led by the President, recordings of the meetings are kept by the Secretary, and Roberts Rules of Order are observed. The meetings are overseen by school moderators. Extra meetings and work sessions are held on an as-needed basis.
Activities vary from year to year. Student Council event highlights include:
Activities vary from year to year. Student Council event highlights include:
- Pack the Gym Night for Girls’ Volleyball
- Christmas ‘Winter Wonderland’ Fun Fair: $1200 in proceeds benefitted Water for South Sudan, Lide, Sierra Club, Juvenile
- Diabetes Research Foundation, Misericordia, and St. Jude.
- Pink Pack the Gym Night for Boys’ Basketball: proceeds raised to benefit breast cancer awareness
- Talent Show
In addition to these activities, Student Council members will lead the liturgy of an All-School Mass and oversee recycling efforts for the school. Student Council board members are on call as needed by the Principal to act in leadership capacities. Duties of this type vary. Student Council is viewed as an opportunity for students to foster working as a team, brainstorming, goal setting, fundraising, leadership and service to a larger community.