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School Board

The Strategic Plan for Catholic Schools calls all Catholic schools to implement best business practices to ensure the financial health of all schools in the Archdiocese. These best practices include appropriate and focused institutional development, with informed community relations, strategic marketing and enrollment management, and financial expertise and transparency. Pastors and principals, including those with business education and experience, will benefit from a strong board whose members have skills to bring best practices to the board committees whose work is in the focused areas of responsibility.

Local school boards are, by their very nature, consultative to the pastor and principal. The pastor and principal participate in all regular, special, and executive session meetings of the board. The pastor and principal participate in all deliberations of the board. The pastor has final approval of all board decisions. The principal is the executive officer of the board, in addition to other duties, and provides in-service and guidance to the board in school matters. The Archdiocesan and Elementary School Policies shall be the policies of the local board.

School Board members


DJ Asad - Board President

Celia Sinclair - Board Vice President

Jessie Gatto - Secretary

Tim McAnally - Fundraising Co-Chairman

Justin Shiffman - Fundraising Co-Chairman

Brian Donohoe - Athletics Chairman

Cholly Smith - Member

Anne McCaskey - Member

Cortney Raynor - Member

Kelley Heneghan - Member



To contact a School board member via email, please do so by emailing [email protected]