Technology » Technology


We believe technology is a powerful tool for learning. By infusing it into our curriculum, we are able to bring more interesting and diverse materials into the classrooms while enabling students to learn in more meaningful and immediate ways. The technology at the School of Saints Faith, Hope & Charity is in line with teaching students 21st century skills and providing teachers and students access to all of the latest technologies to integrate within their classroom.

Our technology program consists of the following:

  • 1:1 Class set iPads in 1st-3rd grade

  • 1:1 Class set iPads and Chromebooks in 4th grade

  • 1:1 Class set Chromebooks 5th grades

  • 1:1 Personal Chromebooks in 6th-8th grades

  • Promethean boards in all classrooms

  • Robotics and Lego Mindstorm

  • 3D Design and Engineering using 3D printers

  • Arduino boards, Raspberry pies, and Makey Makeys
Students are taught to use technology to collaborate with their peers and teachers; to enhance their critical thinking skills and to use technology as a communication tool. Students will graduate with an impressive working knowledge of technology; ultimately, improving their learning experience in high school and beyond.