First Grade
1st Grade Essential Questions
- What skills do you need to become an engaged reader?
- Why is comprehension essential for reading?
- Why is it important to read fluently and with expression?
- What strategies are essential for addition and subtraction fluency?
- How can we build fluency for addition and subtraction within 20?
- How can place value help us solve addition and subtraction sentences?
- How can the collection, organization, interpretation, and display of data be used to answer questions?
- What strategies are essential for being a good writer?
- How can you make your writing more descriptive?
Social Studies
- Why are strategies essential for
- What are the qualities for a good citizen?
- How do people use Science to investigate questions about the world around them?
- What will be expected of me before, during and after Art class?
- Why do we need to know about art tools and being safe in the art room?
- How will I use my art tools safely? What Are the Elements of Art?
- How do we use the Elements of Art to express our ideas?
- Can you have rhythm without a beat?
- Why does each voice and instrument have its own timbre?
- How is melody created? How does music communicate?
- How does music/melody move (high/low, fast/slow, by step or by skip)?
- What does it mean to be a digital citizen in the 21st century?
- How do various computing devices work?
- How can we effectively use electronic devices to support our learning?
- How can we use technology to create original works?
- How does kicking improve my eye-foot coordination?
- What is the value of working with others during activities?
- How do we play safely?
- What are the benefits of dance?
- Why is it important to check fitness level?
- What are the benefits of gymnastics?
- How do field day activities help physical development?
- In addition, some of the questions from previous grades
World Language (French)
- How do I introduce myself and talk about myself in French?
- How do I form sounds and words correctly in French?
- How do I communicate clearly in speaking and singing in French?
- How do I communicate about the world around me in French?
- What holidays are celebrated in the French-speaking world?
- How are they the same or different from holidays that I celebrate?